Operation Heather

Since Nate was in 7th grade, we have been going to see him perform in plays, choral performances…. and or favorite musical theatre.

Operation Heather – Holly sneaking down to Northern Virginia to get Heidi… then to Radford to scoop up Reid…. and a night in Charlotte adding Ryan.

The day of the show…. Team Nate shirts!

Tour of the campus

The play – Heathers

Nate after the show….

Lunch and the procurement of SC Liquid Gold!!!!

Nathan eating using Dinosaur arms…

The return trip…..

Breakfast before saying goodbye to Ryan

Long ride back to Radford….

Wonder Twins College Years…. Activate!!!!

Farewell lunch with Reid at Macados…

Ed and Jim are holding down the home front…

Holly left Reid a goodbye gift on his car….


Last meal before Holly heads home…..

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